Wednesday 13 March 2013


Just because you are experiencing trying times dosen't mean you're defeated. the truth is that those tests and trials are spring boards for your promotion! Contrary to what many think, its a blessing when you face diverse tests; thats why the bible says "my bretheren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations"(James 1:2).

I want you to make up your mind that irrespective of the challenges that may come your way, you'll stand your ground in the word of God. its important to grow your faith in the word of God , your faith is your victory that overcomes the world. never allow what you hear or see with physical eyes, what ever it is you going through right now cause you to loose heart and start voicing fear stand your ground and keep voicing victory.

when you find yourself in an uncomfortable position, don't fret:don't fear;don't despair!speak words of faith

part of the write up was culled from Rhapsody of realities...version by Rev. Anita.

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